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Friday, April 29, 2005

How to wake a sleeping judge

For every problem, if you dig deep enough, there's a solution. Khalid Ansari of Mid Day writes about a judge with a sleep disorder, who reportedly fell asleep during a recent rape trial. He writes:
Documents have been produced to show [Ian] Dodd snored while he slept for 15 minutes at a time, causing laughter and comments from the jury. The judge has a record of serial slumber on the bench.

What to do about such a judge? Well, check out this newspiece (link via email from Ravikiran), about a woman who was convicted for raping a man:
The incident occurred on Jan. 4 last year in a Bergen apartment. The man testified that he fell asleep on a sofa and woke up to find the woman performing oral sex on him.

The woman eventually admitted sexual contact but claimed that it was voluntary and that the man was willing and smiled.

So now you know how to wake the judge up. I can imagine this scene:
[Judge Gaitonde leaning back in chair] Mmmm, aah, oooh, eeeh... [trembles, rises from slumber]... oooh, ah, order, order, constable More, what on earth are you doing?
amit varma, 2:14 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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