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Monday, May 16, 2005

No more phone calls

Madhumita Bhattacharyya of the Telegraph reports on "an insidious force sweeping through Bengal’s villages":
Placement agencies based in Delhi are the new face of trafficking, stealing away girls — often 12 years old or less — and women from their homes, promising jobs and tempting pay, but in reality, delivering abuse.

An estimated 750 to 1,000 placement agencies — tiny one-room set ups — have sprouted across Delhi’s distant urban sprawl. Many offer girls from Bengal, on demand, for a range of jobs, but most commonly domestic work.

These agents offer jobs paying around Rs 3000 a month to these young girls, far more than they can expect for similar jobs in their villages. Some go willingly, some are sent by their parents. Many never return. Bhattacharyya elaborates:
Most return with only a fraction of the money they have earned. Some are beaten.

One has been raped, allegedly by every male member of the family where she was posted. They are prevented from keeping in touch with home. And once that tie is severed, disappearing is easy.

Sandhya, who had been taken to Mumbai two years ago, called home to leave the cryptic message that no more phone calls should be expected from her.

And the police, needless to say, don't give a damn. Read the full report.
amit varma, 12:37 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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