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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cows in demand

The Telegraph reports (link via email from MadMan):
Move over colas, cow urine is the new drink of choice in health-conscious Hyderabad.

Till a few days ago, signposts announcing “Filtered and pure gomutram available” or “Chilled gomutram available” could be seen outside restaurants and bakeries. Those have gone now, thanks to the taxman and a science awareness group who raised uncomfortable questions.

But the “beverage” itself is still very much available, if under the counter.

Recommended by some practitioners of yoga, ayurveda and homoeopathy who claim cow urine can heal a range of ailments, echoing Morarji Desai, it is growing in popularity. Many buy sachets during their morning walk in the park.

Nice. But imagine how hard it must be on the cows. I can imagine two cows chatting:
Indu: Oh, it is so difficult, first they make a routine of messing with your udders every day, the damn perverts, and now they follow me around with a bucket.

Bindu: Yes, I know. I spit on these human exploiters. Thoo!

[A sound happens: Splat! The spit lands in a bowl held by a boy in a saffron veshti.]

Boy in safforn veshti: I've got some, I've got some! Who wants chilled gothukram? Ten rupees only.

Ok, I'll stop now. Some previous posts on cows, a subject unfairly ignored by most bloggers, can be read here, here, here and here.
amit varma, 8:32 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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