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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Fresh air and horoscopes

I know, from personal experience, of many cows who hate their sedentary lives, and wish they were taken out for more walks. "It's udderly frustrating," one cow remarked to me the other day. "I'm thinking of staring a campaign against this. Our slogan will be: 'You want fresh milk? Give us fresh air.'"

Well, in Kota, which most of India knows as a railway station but there's apparently a town attached, cows are getting their fresh air. IANS reports:
Milk sellers in Rajasthan, badly hit by customers shifting to processed milk following concerns about adulteration, are taking their milch cattle to buyers' doorsteps.

Milkmen in Kota district [...] have launched the novel initiative, one that could spread to other parts of the state. The milkmen reach the residential areas in the city with their cows and buffaloes at fixed times to enable customers buy fresh milk.

The article does not quote a cow called Indu as saying, "We are so glad, we get to take a walk every morning. It's just bovine, I mean, divine. Moo."

Indu's younger sister, Pindu, is of marriagable age. What, you have a bachelor bull? Well, no problem, now one can get horoscopes for cows made. Don't believe me? See here.
amit varma, 11:23 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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