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Thursday, April 07, 2005

The bizarre edition

Some of the stranger news stories of today:

An 81-year-old fellow with 92 wives dies, his lifetime ambition of marrying 100 women unfulfilled. Mid Day reports: "Dakshinray had no knowledge of the whereabouts of most of his wives. However, his 5th and 72nd wives used to live with him."

IANS has a story about an 11-year-old boy in Bihar who lives with dogs, some of whom die when he bites them. The report quotes his mother as saying that "[h]e had even been fed milk by a bitch as a child."

Sify reports that the Orissa government is going to carry out DNA tests so that young men who have impregnated young women after promising marriage and then "jilted" them will be brought to justice. The secretary of the Women and Child Welfare Department is quoted as saying: "Each DNA test could cost up to Rs 30,000. Therefore, Rs 5 lakh has been allocated in the budget in 2005-06 to pay for such tests. The amount could go up in the next year. The police have been asked to send at least 22 such cases in a year."

Yes, I can imagine policemen sent out looking for jilted pregnant women so that they can complete their quota of 22 cases. "Constable Mohanty," I can imagine an inspector barking, "we have just one week left to find a jilted lover who is pregnant. Go out and find a girl like that."

"Um, sir," says Constable Mohanty, "I have looked everywhere and found no girl like that. But, um, I have seen your nubile young daughter hanging out, to use a euphemism, with sub-inspector Das, and she threw up the last time she came to meet you. Do you think...?"
amit varma, 3:59 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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