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Wednesday, March 09, 2005


That, of course, is the answer to this. Yazad, Gaurav, Avinash, Shrikanth, aNTi and Arun replied correctly. The reference is to the famous partnership of 555 that Percy Holmes and Herbert Sutcliffe had put together at Leyton in 1932.

The partnership is also a focus of a quizzing chestnut: "Which brand was named after a partnership between Holmes and Sutcliffe?" But it turns out that this is an urban myth. aNTi asked Steven Lynch, Cricinfo's editor in London, whether it was true and Steven replied in his column (see fifth question) that it wasn't, and the cigarette brand had existed since the end of the 19th century. So that's that.
amit varma, 11:12 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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