India Uncut

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Thursday, February 10, 2005

Why the earth shook

Speaking of the 1984 riots in the context of his mother's assasination, Rajiv Gandhi had said, "When a big tree falls, the earth is bound to shake." Well, one more report on why the earth shook is ready. Justice GT Nanawati, in charge of the commission that had been set up to probe this matter in 2000, has submitted his report to the home ministry. He refused to tell journalists what conclusions he had come to in his report, but did offer them a cup of tea, and chatted with them, in Rediff's words, "relaxing on a swing placed in the varandha [sic] of the house". Did that swing shake in the four-and-a-half years he took to complete his report? That would be telling.
amit varma, 1:40 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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