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Monday, February 07, 2005

A merger in the Left

Lakshmi Iyer of India Today reports that the CPI wants to merge with the CPI(M). (Both stand for Communist Party of India, and the 'M' in parenthesis stands for Marxist.) The CPI(M), controlling 44 MPs in parliament to the CPI's 10, is apparently not interested, but the CPI is being persistent. Why so? Iyer writes:
Left watchers say there is more to communist unity talk than ushering in a revolution of the proletariat. The CPI is known to face resource crunch in the running of its organisation. The CPI(M) has not only been more resourceful but has also built up its strength, both financially and in numbers.

I like the bit about having to "face resource crunch". Imagine a super hero called Resource Crunch. Left party tries to organise a strike, Resource Crunch, wearing torn undies outside tattered tights, attacks left party. Left party tries to stop finance minister from privatising oil company. Resource Crunch flies in, picks up arch-villains Surjeet and Karat, and, travelling faster than the speed of light, goes back through time and deposits them at the feet of Karl Marx.

Karl Marx says: "My god, Resource Crunch, you're back. Why have you brought these two fellows with you?"

Resource Crunch replies: "Oh, they were creating havoc in India, I thought they would be happier here."

Karl Marx says: "Not now, I'm busy. I'm still, ahem, dealing with the last package you delivered."

And then, from a neighbouring room, comes the sound of a whimper. It's Hillary.
amit varma, 5:28 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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