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Sunday, February 06, 2005

India's obsession

In an excellent piece titled "The Indian OCD", Vir Sanghvi rails against India's obsession with Pakistan, pointing out that in terms of foreign policy, we also need to look closely at our other neighbours, Nepal and Bangladesh. Sanghvi writes:
[C]an a country that everybody expects will be one of the great powers of the 21st century, continue to look at the world through the prism of a small neighbour? Does China assess its foreign policy priorities on the basis of how other countries treat Taiwan? Must we continue to judge the behaviour of every other country in the world only on the basis of how it regards Pakistan?

The piece also contains a cogent analysis of the situation in Nepal, which Sanghvi says is "well on its way to being South Asia’s first failed State".
amit varma, 1:28 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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