India Uncut

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Monday, February 07, 2005

Missing pajamas

You'd think we are in the 1950s, for yelping out loud. The Challenger Series cricket match between India Seniors and India A that is going on right now at the Wankhede Stadium started late because the uniforms of the players arrived late. That's right, their coloured pajamas were in transit, as the players, the umpires and the audience waited eagerly in their day clothes.

I wonder what would have happened if the wrong costumes reached them.

"Sir," says faceless BCCI official to Sourav Ganguly, "the wrong clothes have come, these are the costumes for some Hindi period film. I see only harem pants here."

"Ooodibaba," barks Ganguly. "What to do now?"

"Well, the show must go on, so ... "
amit varma, 4:04 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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