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Thursday, February 03, 2005

Headache? What headache?

A study that will no doubt please married Indian men has concluded that married Indian women enjoy sex. The Indian Express reports that the psychiatry department of the PGI in Chandigarh has carried out a study that "has shown that Indian women seem to be discarding conventionally repressive standards of sexual behaviour for a more fulfilling marital life".

Maybe I'm missing something, but a few of the sentences in the report are quite beyond my comprehension. For example: "The findings, to be forwarded to the US-based Archives of Sexual Behaviour for publication, revealed that 66% of respondents admitted to pleasure from sexual experience while an astounding 95% said both partners were satisfied with sex lives."

Um, does this mean that 29% of the respondents were "satisfied with sex lives" but did not get "pleasure from sexual experience"?

And then, there's this: "An overwhelming 96% of the subjects considered sex an important aspect of life. While vaginal intercourse was the desired sexual behaviour for 56% women, 47% desired kissing, 42% foreplay, 29% mutual masturbation and seven percent oral sex. Orgasmic pleasure was perceived from intercourse in 84% cases while 15% experienced it during foreplay as compared to 11% who enjoyed it during mutual masturbation."

The bit that intrigues me is this: "47% desired kissing." What on earth does that mean?

Enough. I'm off to bed now.
amit varma, 1:15 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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