India Uncut
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Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Someone else has my disease
Four cartons of books and no cupboards to put them in? Check. Can't help myself while passing a bookstore? Check. Something that "has more in common with addiction than dry literary appreciation"? Check. Yes, I have that disease, but before you start spraying disinfectant on me, be warned that I am in mighty company. For Hurree Babu – yes, the Hurree Babu – has quite the same malaise. Do read his post, "The 3 am blues", on his marvellous blog, Kitabkhana.
Postscript: My wife doesn't care that there are other people like me. It's either the books or her, it seems. Ah, there's that Calvino I was looking for!
Postscript 2: She's ok with the books, it now turns out. It's either the blog or her.
Postscript: My wife doesn't care that there are other people like me. It's either the books or her, it seems. Ah, there's that Calvino I was looking for!
Postscript 2: She's ok with the books, it now turns out. It's either the blog or her.