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Thursday, January 27, 2005

'Bleep's' apology

Update (May 27, 2005): I'm replacing the protagonist's name in this story with [bleep]. He's moved on, and I don't see why his past should haunt him forever.

[Bleep], whom I posted about here, here and here, has just apologised. Here is what he wrote to us:
I apologize for taking content without attribution or linkage to the original posts. I did it unintentionally with no malice. I have pulled my site offline. I truly regret my actions.

I think it would be in my and everybody else's best interests that I offer no explanations or justifications to the actions, as it may cause more havoc since interpretations vary from person to person.

I have also had two long chats with [bleep] over the phone. I would like to add that I and all my fellow bloggers who took this issue up are satisfied with his apology. [Bleep] might have made an honest mistake, and now that he has accepted his error, and removed the offending site, we should all move on. People make mistakes, shit happens, and they should be allowed to make a fresh start.

[Bleep] had the mistaken belief that copyright is not an issue on the internet. Well, it is. Everything that you read on the internet is copyrighted - for more, once again, I offer you this link (courtesy MadMan). The golden rule of thumb, for most bloggers including me, is this: quote or excerpt as you feel like, but attribute (always) and link (whenever available). This applies even when you take something off an RSS feed.
amit varma, 12:20 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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