India Uncut

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Monday, January 24, 2005

Compassion at the Bloggies

The nominations for the 2005 Bloggies have been announced, and The SEA EAT Blog is the story of the day, with four nominations. For those waking up from hibernation after a month, here's who they are: the SEA EAT blog was started by Peter Griffin, Dina Mehta and Rohit Gupta shortly after the tsunami struck Asia, to act as an emergency clearing house of information. In all the chaos and confusion that prevailed in the aftermath, it quickly became the one place that people went to for information, to find missing people, to figure out how to help, and so on. The number of contributors grew and grew - they were open to anyone who could help - and their motives remained completely selfless. No self-plugging, and no Google Adsense - as Rohit told me when we had breakfast a week ago, "we didn't want to make money off the dead. We just wanted to help."

And no doubt their reward is something quite other than winning a mere Bloggie. But they get my vote, and if you like their work, please vote for them as well.
amit varma, 11:43 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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