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Saturday, January 22, 2005
Newspapers and milk packets
Parveen Babi is dead. Mid Day's headline reads, with an extra 's', "Actresss Parveen Babi dead". The article says: "Neighbours found newspapers and milk packets lying outside her flat since the last two days and informed police, which opened the house door with a duplicate key and found her body [many sics]."
So the next couple of days will be days of mourning, as everyone will remember what a fine actress and a beautiful woman she was. But the sad thing is this: that fine actress and that beautiful woman had disappeared long ago, eaten up by a disease of the mind. Those newspapers and milk packets, they've been there for years.
So the next couple of days will be days of mourning, as everyone will remember what a fine actress and a beautiful woman she was. But the sad thing is this: that fine actress and that beautiful woman had disappeared long ago, eaten up by a disease of the mind. Those newspapers and milk packets, they've been there for years.