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Monday, February 12, 2007

Children and horoscopes

I've long believed that most people who have kids are not fit to be parents. That might be part of the explanation for why we humans are so screwed up. My belief finds support in a report in today's DNA that says:
More and more couples are exploiting Caesarean sections to manipulate the horoscope of the baby.
It is regrettable that the parents of these couples did not practice birth control more vigorously. Most of us, frankly, are better off flushed down or bled away*.

(Some earlier posts on astrology etc: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.)

*Apologies for the imagery. News reports about blind superstition don't generally put me in such a foul mood, but there are babies involved here, who could be adversely affected by this nonsense. Pah!

Update (February13): Reader Aboli Salvi writes in:
Oh, this is nothing. A chart was actually published and made available to all sometime in the 1980's. The chart very accurately predicts the baby's sex based on the day he/she was conceived. That way, parents who wanted babies born under particular zodiac sign and those who wanted only baby boys could make sure they were conceived on a particular day,month and time. My mother has such a chart and when I checked my birth date....it pretty accurately predicted a girl:) this is not a new concept at all...but it has been mostly misused by parents wanting "boys" :| such a pity :(
Aboli sends an example of one such chart used in China. Hell and damnation.
amit varma, 1:03 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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