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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Winning the hand of the beloved...

... is rather tough for some chappies. IANS reports:
In the villages of western Rajasthan, boys of the Jogi community have to stay with their prospective in-laws for a year to prove their worth for the girl they want to marry, doing chores like fetching water and looking after the cattle.

And during the time the boy of the nomadic community stays with his prospective in-laws, he is not allowed even a glimpse of the girl.

Interestingly, if the boy fails the test, he is given another 12 months to prove himself, which is a social snub.
One bugger, it seems, took 20 years to get his would-be pa-in-law's approval. Superb way to get long-term domestic servants for free: have an eligible daughter or three.

(Link via email from Arjun Narayan.)
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