India Uncut

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

A Landmark day

Yes, yes, I know I haven't blogged in more than 24 hours, but you can call off those search parties, I have an innocent explanation: I was travelling. I'd gone to Pune for the first ever Landmark Quiz in that city, and with Rishi and Aadisht as my team-mates, ended a lowly fourth. The third prize was 9k worth of books, and there was no fourth prize. We didn't even win the best team-name prize for calling ourselves 'Mosquitoes with Battleaxes.' Pah!

I couldn't blog in the breaks between travelling and quizzing because I forgot to get the wire that connects my laptop and my Hutch GPRS phone. Some children got cheap thrills out of this. Bah!

Once I am a little rested, therefore, regular blogging will resume. Who can fight sleep? It hasn't been done.
amit varma, 1:24 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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