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Thursday, January 25, 2007
Mallika Sherawat removes trousers
The Times of India reports:

Update: Greatest headline ever: "Mallika will strip all men."
The things people object to!
(Link via email from Fleiger Adler.)
There is more trouble coming for Mallika Sherawat. After filing a complaint over her alleged obscene performance at J W Marriott Hotel in Mumbai on New Year's eve, advocate and Baroda Bar Association president Narendra Tiwari has furnished some more evidence in an attempt to substantiate his claims in a petition filed earlier this month.The photos are below (courtesy ToI). But really, the only person who has any right to complain about that is the gentleman whose trouser Mallika removed -- and that too only if she was, heh, doing it against his will. What's Mr Tiwari's problem?
Tiwari has now come up with photographic evidence that the star had removed the trousers of a man on stage during the performance.
Update: Greatest headline ever: "Mallika will strip all men."
The things people object to!
(Link via email from Fleiger Adler.)