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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Aishwarya and the tree, redux

Remember when Aishwarya Rai married a tree? Well, a lawyer named Shruti Singh has filed a PIL against such practices in the Patna High Court. She feels that "marrying a Manglik girl to tree, God or animal prior to her marriage to the human bridegroom is a practice of untouchability which has been prohibited under the Indian Constitution."

I find this Manglik-nonsense as ludicrous as Ms Singh does, but as long as there is no coercion involved, and neither Aishwarya nor the tree object, I don't see what her problem is. If Aishwarya wants to go through this rubbish, that is entirely her choice.

And besides, it gives me great joy to imagine the tree marching up to Abhishek on his wedding night and yelling, "Get yer branches off mah wife!"

(Link via email from Arjun Narayan.)
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