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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Men buying lingerie...

... is always an awkward proposition, even when they're not buying it for themselves. Well, Yahoo! reports:
Specially trained staff will appear in M&S lingerie departments to give shoppers "man to man" advice. Men buying underwear for wives and girlfriends prefer dealing with male members of staff, the chain said.


They will offer tips and advice on all aspects of buying intimate gifts.

An M&S spokeswoman said: "If anyone is embarrassed about talking to women then these guys are on hand to help customers.

"It is man-to-man advice."
This is glorious. So the next time you're confused about the partner's bra size, there will be a bugger standing there in the lingerie section, scaring the chicas away, and he'll take one look at you and instantly know what size your partner wears. Happiness combusts.

(Link via email from Priyadarshini Basu Chatterjee.)
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