India Uncut

This blog has moved to its own domain. Please visit IndiaUncut.com for the all-new India Uncut and bookmark it. The new site has much more content and some new sections, and you can read about them here and here. You can subscribe to full RSS feeds of all the sections from here. This blogspot site will no longer be updated, except in case of emergencies, if the main site suffers a prolonged outage. Thanks - Amit.

Friday, December 01, 2006

India Uncut turns two

On December 1, 2004, I wrote my first, awkward post on India Uncut, and here I am, two years hence, burdened with the task of trying to express what these two years have meant to me. Actually, not much more than what I wrote in my first anniversary post: it's been hard, but it's been rewarding, and I've grown in the process of writing this blog. I've read a lot and learnt much in the four-to-five hours a day I spend writing India Uncut, and I've also been fortunate to make many friends who would never otherwise have given me time of day.

I've got tons of hatemail from the Lunatic Left and the Religious Right for my vocal support of economic and social freedoms respectively, and also generic hatemail and trolling that's left me both baffled and hurt. But I also get, more regularly than I deserve, emails from readers who write in to debate, enhance or simply appreciate posts of mine, and that means a lot to me. The volume of email I have to deal with is much worse now than when I first wrote my email policy, and these days I have fallen terribly behind in responding to email. But please don't assume, if I do not respond to your messages, that I don't care for them. It is the collective endorsement of my readers, through your visits and your feedback, that keeps me blogging with such purpose.

I've been working on a revamp of my site over the past month, and I was hoping to launch it today. But the site isn't ready, and anniversaries come and go. The blog will just be one-fifth of the new site, and I'm excited about it, and nervous at the same time. I hope you like it, but until it arrives, it'll be more of the same in this familiar space. Hell, only two years old, and already nostalgic. That won't do!

Update: Anant Rangaswami wishes me with a photograph. I'm touched -- and hungry!
amit varma, 3:30 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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