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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Sex and the hippo

A zoo in Kolkata is unable to name a baby hippo -- the first born there in 131 years -- because the authorities can't figure out whether it's male or female. The Times of India reports:
The gender of a hippo becomes known only when it's three weeks old. Try as they might, Alipore's cutest inmate has refused to give the zoo authorities a peek.

The baby hippo loves water so much that it refuses to come out of it and keeps clinging to its mother.

Not only the head keeper and the deputy director, even the zoo director himself goes snooping from time to time, hoping to catch the calf in the open and hopefully urinating.
That last sentence I quoted is just priceless, isn't it? What a job!
amit varma, 2:09 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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