India Uncut

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Friday, October 06, 2006

Mai-Baap x 100

It's inevitable and it's sad: governments are supposed to be servants of the people, but fast become their masters. AP reports on a bizarre display of that syndrome:
Malaysia will levy fines on those incorrectly using the national language, and will set up a specialized division to weed out offenders who mix Malay with English, news reports said Thursday.

Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister Rais Yatim said fines of up to 1,000 ringgit ($271) can be imposed on displays with any wrong or mutated form of Malay, the Star newspaper reported.
This mix of cultural chauvinism and government high-handedness is common in India, Karnataka being a recent example. Watch out, Bangalore residents -- and sharpen your Kannada skills.

(AP link via email from Sakshi Juneja.)
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