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Monday, August 21, 2006

Quizzaciousness, and bookacity

"Quizzing is a physical sport," some of us quizzing insiders in Mumbai often remind ourselves. Joining a gym last week was, thus, clearly a smart move, as I won a quiz yesterday after a long time. It was a general quiz with an emphasis on books and literature, and it took place in a charming little bookstore in Santa Cruz called the Readers Shop. Pradeep Ramarathnam conducted the quiz, and Aadisht Khanna and I won by a handsome margin of one point over Rajiv Rai and Ravi Venkatesh. Rishi Iyengar and Naveen Venkataraman came third, a further point behind, with Rishi slapping his forehead at the end of the quiz and muttering "Bonfire of the Vanities!" You must work out more, I keep telling the boy. I don't think he squats enough.

There was a quiz last Sunday as well, the last conducted by Gaurav Sabnis before his move abroad. I hadn't joined the gym then, and my lack of stamina told on me as my team led for the first two-thirds of the quiz before being overtaken by Dhoomketu's team, who reportedly meet for sprinting sessions at Juhu beach every morning. Rishi has a report of the proceedings here, and I reproduce below a picture of the (other) participants taken and photoshopped by me. As Shakespeare once wrote, "The effects conceal the defects, foolish knave. Et tu Brute?"

And ah, before I forget, let me recommend that if you find yourself anywhere in the vicinity of The Readers Shop, do drop in. (It's near the Santa Cruz Police Station, on the road connecting SV Road and Linking Road that has a Standard Chartered branch on it.) I didn't have as much time to browse there as I would have liked -- I will return there soon, much to my banker's regret -- but I did have time to note that the collection seemed to be fairly eclectic, and a bargain section outside the store might yield some treasures: I picked up a Modern Library edition of The Federalist for just 100 rupees.

And now if you'll excuse me, I need to do some stretches.
amit varma, 2:31 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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