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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Paskistan (and Ghandi)

Nikhil Pahwa writes:
This is ridiculous - One agency (UPI) carries a report with a typo, calling Pakistan, "Paskistan". And then it spreads:

Starts from here - UPI.
Then: The Washington Times, The Daily India, Political Gateway, Monsters and Critics, North Korea Times

You do a google search for Paskistan, and... this
Hmm. I hope the meme doesn't spread too far, or my friends in Paskistan will be most upset.

(This reminds me, by the way, of how so many Western outlets spell 'Gandhi' as 'Ghandi'. Why? How did that start, I wonder.)
amit varma, 1:03 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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