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Friday, July 21, 2006

Wankers, wankers everywhere

The Guardian joyously reports:
Channel 4 is to bring mass public masturbation to the small screen. [...] In what must surely be one of the summer's more bizarre events, hundreds of people are expected to gather in a hall in central London on August 5 to pleasure themselves in aid of charity.


Prizes will be on offer for those who clock up the most orgasms and those who can masturbate the longest - the current record, according to the organisers, is a chafing eight-and-a-half hours.
Can you imagine how people would react if someone planned to organise a similar event in, say, Shivaji Park, Mumbai? Pramod Navalkar and RR Patil would, well, um, get immense pleasure at the prospect of having an issue to kick up a fuss about. I'm fairly sure than wanking must be against Indian culture.

(Link via email from old pal Abhi, who worked with me in the last millenium in MTV, and who asks in her email, "Why didn't we think of such programs when we were in TV?" Because we were too busy, um, you know?)
amit varma, 2:54 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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