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Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sit erect, right now

Why? Well, because Mallika Sherawat is doing something. Consider these incredible lines from Indiatimes:
Whatever she does, it makes you sit erect. Whatever she wears, it titillates you. Her intention is clear to make your attention pin-pointed on her sensual parts. She is sultry Mallika Sherawat, who always says it script demands. [Sic, naturally.]
Sigh. But before you complain, check out what the Indian Express has to say about Celina Jaitley's reaction to the bomb blasts in Mumbai:
Celina was very traumatized after seeing the whole scene. She can’t talk about it without crying. So it’s everyone who was affected by the tragedy. But it’s the never say die spirit of Mumbai which makes us bounce back time and again!
Note how adroitly the writer comes to the conclusion stated in the third line of that excerpt. And for even more ludicrosity, check out this ANI piece, the writer of which doesn't seem to know the difference between 'groupie' and 'group'. Such fun.

(Previous posts on Purplocity/Verniness: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.)
amit varma, 4:07 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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