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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The bikini turns 60 today

So Nitin Pai informs me. He has pictures of himself in a topless bikini over at his site.

Ok, ok, so he doesn't. Fans of the voluptuous Pai will just have to wait, and be satisfied with foreign policy until he reveals his true self. Anyway, Happy Birthday to the Bikini, I hope bikinis become more and more popular across the world, to the extent that actresses enter temples in them, ministers request celebrities not to wear bikinis (especially the men), and bikinis are banned in schools.

In fact, if I was a woman, I'd wear a bikini all the time and just stare at myself.

Ok, that's enough. Enjoy your 60th birthday, Bikini -- hope you're not feeling too old.

Update: Reader Kunal Solanki writes in to tell me that, believe it or not, the bikini was once banned in Brazil. That's like banning sarees here, I would think.

Also, Arun Verma points me to the Thong Bikini Piano. I'd be practising my scales all day if I had one of those.

And no, I am not posting any of the pictures that female readers have sent me of themselves. But thank you!
amit varma, 5:48 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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