India Uncut

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Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Misprint, and Hafta

Sidin Vadukut is one of the funniest writers in the blogosphere (examples: 1 and 2), so the Hafta Magazine, just launched by him, is bound to be worth reading. Sidin had asked me to look after the economics section, but due to lack of time I had to decline his offer. Looking at the fine team of bloggers he’s assembled, I'm certain he won't miss me. Check it out.

I certainly hope they don't go the way of another fine magazine I just discovered via Young Manish. The Misprint seems to be an Indian version of the Onion, but they don't seem to be active anymore. A great pity, going by the kind of stories they were doing, such as this one: “Indian PM marries random elderly Gandhi for surname privileges, gets multiple fractures.” Good fun.
amit varma, 7:44 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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