India Uncut

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Friday, June 02, 2006

"Invisible to everyone but her attackers"

We can all look back on periods of history and feel appalled at how women were once treated, or blacks, or sudras. Well, one day I'm sure people will look at the India of 2006 with utter horror at the way we treat people of alternate sexuality -- especially hijdas. How easily they are demonised and treated -- thought of -- with contempt, and it takes a top-flight journalist to humanise them again. Do read my buddy Sonia Faleiro's newest story, "Gunny-Bag Dreams No More." Also read her earlier stories on similar subjects: 1, 2.

Yes, the phrase in the headline is from her story. Words like bricks, they hit so hard...
amit varma, 9:04 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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