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Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Watch the book

Why? Because the book's widely available, and they won't let you watch the movie.

(Link via email from MadMan; an anonymous tipster brought the contradiction to my notice.)

Update: MadMan and Arnold both point my attention to Vir Sanghvi's article on the issue, in which he says that "India's Christians have not let Pramod [Mahajan] down." Well, yes -- religious nuts everywhere are the same.

Update 2: Nirav Mehta, via email, mentions a similar contradiction regarding "Black Friday": Anurag Kashyap's film was banned but S Hussein Zaidi's book, on which the film is based, was not.

Perhaps I shouldn't be blogging about such contradictions -- if someone in the government reads this, they might decide to ban the books as well!

Update 3: Now Muslim groups are demanding a ban on "The Da Vinci Code," with one cleric saying, "We cannot tolerate any insult to Jesus Christ." Unity in intolerance and suchlike. Pfaw.

(Link via email from Nishit Desai.)

Update 4: Aged Shilpa writes in:
Perhaps the logic behind [the inconsistency] is that the reach of movies in India is far more than books, given the literacy rate, and more so, English literacy. Also, low literacy = low level of awareness = increased likeliness of getting influenced by a devious political mind hoping to take advantage of the situation = more likelihood of communal tension breaking out?
Damn it, Shilpa, you've just given them their excuse. Once again, pfaw.
amit varma, 12:26 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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