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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So do you expect the girl to keep count?

Mid Day reports:
The RCF police have decided to tread cautiously on the probe of 14-year-old Shazia Shaikh’s case (name changed), who is not sure how many men raped her.

Mid Day had reported on Monday that Shazia, from Chembur’s Bharatnagar slums, had approached the police along with her father alleging that 90 men, including her grandfather, his brother, maternal uncles, paternal uncles and a maulavi raped her. But later, she put the figure at 120.
I am baffled by this. If the cops have other reasons to doubt Shazia's testimony, that should be mentioned upfront in the report. But that the girl can't remember whether she was raped by 90 men or 120 isn't reason enough to doubt her. In fact, just reading these numbers in this context I feel numb: and these chaps really expect the poor girl to count?

Read the full report, it's a bizarre story. If the girl's father is making her give a false testimony, as the report implies, he should just be... never mind.
amit varma, 2:59 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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