India Uncut

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Sunday, May 07, 2006

Neela Bhagwat, and Kabir

I went to attend the Madhu Limaye Memorial Lecture last evening, where Ramachandra Guha was speaking on Democracy and Pluralism. I'll write more on his talk later; for now, a couple of pics.

These are of Neela Bhagwat, a vocalist of the Gwalior Gharana who memorably took to singing Kabir Bhajans in 1992 as a reaction to communal riots shaking the country. Much to the audience's surprise, and delight, Ram's lecture was preceded by a short performance by Bhagwat, as she sang a couple of Kabir songs as well as one written by Mohammad Iqbal. The stage was lit beautifully, and the sight and sound of Bhagwat's stirring performance complemented each other rather well.

(Click on pics to enlarge.)
amit varma, 11:44 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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