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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Yesterday's links, today

Blogger wasn't publishing for much of yesterday, so posts waited, circling eagerly around me, while a typo I had been unable to correct in time from my last published post wailed from my computer, and then just whimpered. The problem got solved late last night, and I removed the typo from an unfamiliar place. The unposted posts no longer hovered, but slept. Now I shall let them troop past, reduced by time and circumstance to mere links. "Once we were posts with paragraphs/ Now just a line; then a full stop."

First up, the banal everyday is shown to us from a different angle, and it's bloody hilarious. Here, check out how Indians drive. (Link via separate emails from Kanak Ji and Sun-Ki Chai.

Chandrahas has a charming post up on Alberto Manguel and Jorge Luis Borges: I especially enjoyed the eighth comment, by Hash himself, where he writes about "Chronicles of Bustos Domecq." (Update: That comment is a post now!)

Venu, after reading my post on atheism, sends me a link to a hilarious comic strip, Jesus and Mo. (With good reason, Venu recommends some personal favourites: 1, 2, 3.) Exceptional stuff, I wish I'd come across it earlier!

Meanwhile, Indian students are on protest in Armenia because of the manner in which one of them died recently. More details: 1, 2, 3. (Links, separately, via email from Namit and Varun. Varun's posts on the subject: 1, 2, 3.)

In more cheerful news, reader Sharath Rao points me to an innovative new form of advertising that, um, makes me a bit uneasy. I'm sure the gentleman who proposed this idea had a sheepish grin on his face when he first proposed it.

Meanwhile, oceans away, Sepia Mutiny links to and discusses the story about Kaavya Viswanathan getting busted for plagiarism. And back in India, The Unknown Indian describes how he came across a book that copies with impunity from various websites.
amit varma, 12:38 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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