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Friday, February 10, 2006
The press and its freedom
I am sitting with KJM Varma, the PTI correspondent in Islamabad, and Murali, the Hindu correspondent. We’re discussing how free the press is in Pakistan – indeed, I find far more articles critical of the Pakistan government here than in India – when KJM tells me that the press isn’t doing enough with its freedom. He says:
You’ll find plenty of Op-Eds and editorials critical of the establishment, but that attitude doesn’t reflect in the news pages. They are still full of the same old thing. Where is the investigative journalism, the sting operations? Pakistan needs a Tehelka.Considering what a democratically elected government did to Tarun Tejpal and his team during the Vajpayee years, I shudder to think what General Musharraf’s government in Pakistan would do if similar defence ghotalas were exposed here. It would be interesting to find out, wouldn’t it?