India Uncut

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ab Dilli door nahin, and all that

Yes, yes, I haven't blogged in over two days now. I've been alternating bouts of work with bouts of intense tiredness, all the while battling a worm that keeps rebooting my computer. It's frustrating, and I can't wait to get back home. After weeks of excitement, I suddenly feel exhausted, not wanting to work, not wanting to write, not wanting to take photographs, not even wanting to want. That tired.

And the work continues. I'll be flying from Lahore to Delhi tomorrow evening, and getting on the first available flight to Mumbai after that, probably arriving there in the early hours of Saturday. A few hours later, I'll have to be at England's tour game, for which I have to do a report for the Observer. Sigh.

One day when blogging starts paying, I'll do only this and you lot can stop complaining. "He only eats kababs all day and plays with guns," I can hear you think. "What about us, waiting for him to upload his blog? Taking us for granted and all." No, no, no! You're the one I want to pamper and give my undivided attention to, but the world is cruel. Bear with me while I bear with it. And give me a virtual bear hug in the middle of all that bearing, I so need one.

Ok, don't. Bye now. I'll be back later tonight, hopefully, with more conversations with people and suchlike. Yeah, yeah, whatever.
amit varma, 6:45 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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