India Uncut

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Wednesday, January 04, 2006

A very good evening to me

I had a memorable evening yesterday at Hurree Babu's place with Hurree and partner, as well as Jai and Chandrahas. "Hurree!" I remarked when I first set eyes on Hurree, and Hurree scurreed off.

Ok, I made that second sentence up. A good evening happened, as fine food was consumed, much stimulating conversation took place, and photos-that-will-not-be-blogged were snapped -- all in the passive voice. Hurree and partner are as hospitable as they are formidable, and I had to fight hard to refrain from asking for autographs. And to end this paragraph on an enigmatic note: there were cats.

Jai sat around saying funny things when he thought no one was listening, Chandrahas entertained us with his Russian-poet expressions, and even defended IWE by talking about Russian poets. My favourite Delhi journalist also dropped in for a while with wife. Zigzackly messaged, to add to the wild revelry. Hurree refused to give a speech, though, and at one point even offered me a book to eat, asking "Kitab khana?"

Er, sorry, that last sentence...

Ah, and I forgot one guest: fun came.
amit varma, 8:57 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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