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Monday, January 02, 2006

Celebration and hooliganism

The Guardian reports:
Thirty-five people were treated for stab wounds during New Year's Eve celebrations in London as the capital's ambulance service reported a "horrifying" spate of knife attacks and a record number of emergency calls.


"We are horrified that there have been so many stabbings on what is an evening of celebration for most people," said Russell Smith, deputy director of operations at the London Ambulance Service.
It's interesting, in fact, that occasions for celebration are so filled with hooliganism and violence. Holi and Ganpati are two festivals that, when celebrated as they are traditionally supposed to, are times of bonhomie and good cheer. But during both festivals in modern times, people drop their restraint in more ways than they are supposed to: in fact, Holi is virtually a time of socially sanctioned harrassment of women one doesn't know.

Of course, alcohol plays its part as well. What's celebration without a little booze? What good is a little booze? Ah, such a sexy babe/irritating fellow. Etc.
amit varma, 3:39 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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