India Uncut

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Saturday, December 31, 2005

Have a great 2006

Last year this time, I was in Nagapattinam. This year I am in a far more tranquil place, in Pune. Tomorrow morning I go to Mumbai. Tomorrow evening I fly to Delhi. And if all goes well, I leave for Lahore in a few days. It's going to be a busy time, and I may not be able to blog as much as I wish to, though I'll certainly aim for at least one session a day. Apologies, in advance, for that.

And, well, Happy New Year. Have a great 2006, do lots of things that make you smile, focus on the positives, and always look at the bright side of things. (In fact, I'm telling myself that as much I'm telling you.) And thank you for reading India Uncut. It made 2005 a year I'll look back on fondly.
amit varma, 6:09 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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