India Uncut

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Monday, January 16, 2006

Blogger v Journalist

Yes, yes, I know my blogging frequency has dipped alarmingly during this trip, and there's a reason for that. I've been meeting interesting people and going to fascinating places, but all as research for feature stories. So I haven't been blogging about them to avoid having to write up the same stuff twice, which I simply don't have the time to do. I would have blogged those pictures as well, but am saving them for when those features appear (or are rejected) and I do blog about it. The interests of the blogger in me are colliding with those of the journalist in me, and the journalist pays the bills: I'm paying my own expenses on this trip, so every little bit of freelance work I do is important.

But all of that will be blogged eventually, and the pictures will be almost certainly exclusive to the blog. So there you go. Wait it out. Sorry!

In the meantime, three quick pics to leave you with: the first of how my workspace looks in the press box of the Gaddafi Stadium, the second of a terrace where the TV crews wait for play to resume under overcast skies, and the third of an intriguing headline-less newspaper clipping my Kipling-loving neighbour kindly pointed me to.

Update: A couple of other pics below: a police observation post just besides the press box, and a shot of the stands just besides it, which are rather, well, sparsely populated.

amit varma, 3:03 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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