India Uncut

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Sunday, January 15, 2006

Pics from the Gaddafi Stadium

Yes, yes, I know, blogging has been infrequent, and I haven't been my usual voraciously bloggacious self, but I promise you better in the days to come. Until then, here are some pictures from the Gaddafi Stadium in Lahore. The first is of the main gate of the stadium as seen while entering it. The second is a view from the steps leading to the press enclosure, as a photographer sets himself up for a shot. The next three are from a press conference held by Sharad Pawar and Shaharyar Khan, and the final one is of journalists filing their stories from the press box at the end of day. Click on the pics to enlarge and, um, more later.

amit varma, 11:12 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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