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Thursday, December 22, 2005

A tactical quiet

Vikram Chandra says in the Indian Express:
A big city can’t have a permanent cure for organised crime. You can destroy specifics, a certain gang, but there’s always going to be this guy who sees an opportunity and thinks he can make money if he breaks the rules and he’s aggressive enough and courageous enough to make that jump. If it’s not extortion today, it’s going to be some other crime. Criminals are the first to adapt to change. They are very conscious of technology, always on the cutting edge of everything because it helps them. I think the Mumbai underworld is maintaining a tactical quiet now, it’s not going to disappear.
Well, at least Ram Gopal Varma won't run out of material anytime soon. Meanwhile, I'm eagerly waiting for Chandra's "Sacred Games," which stars Sartaj Singh, a character from the story in "Love and Longing in Bombay" that I'd liked the most.

Towards the end of his interview Chandra also talks about blogs a bit, but I don't entirely agree with him that "[b]logs are a revisualisation of the classical diary form." They're much more than that.
amit varma, 1:29 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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