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Monday, December 26, 2005

Every day, disasters

Last year, while travelling through Tamil Nadu after the tsunami that struck South Asia, it struck me that much of what I was looking at, much of what was evoking so much compassion from across the world, was nothing new to us: people without homes, without food to eat, without access to affordable healthcare, and so much more. It took the context of a natural disaster to make us suddenly worry about these things, to open our eyes and see, for the briefest while, people who were otherwise invisible to us. Because tsunamis and earthquakes and floods may come and go, but disaster is all around us, every day, and we don't want to see it.

Well, this post has two purposes: one, I'd like to point you to the WorldWideHelp Group, which has announced a , starting December 26, for all those affected by the disasters of 2005. Click here to find out what you can do to support this effort.

Secondly, I'd like to direct you to a charity that I've been hearing about a bit in the last few weeks, and that I wish gets more support. Project WHY was started by Anuradha Bakshi to educate and empower young children in Delhi; to read more about them, check out their website and their blog. Anuradha's email id is on her profile page, do write to her if you wish to express your support or contribute in any way.
amit varma, 1:01 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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