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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Playing cards

Remember how Mohammad Azharuddin played the religion card when he was accused of match-fixing, imsinuating at one point that he was being persecuted because of his religion? Well, one of the cops correctly punished for the incidents in Meerut, where the sadism of the police was captured on cameras and broadcast throughout the country, has played the gender card. "I am being punished because I am a woman," she has been quoted as saying.

Needless to say, the accountability for that incident should extend higher up the ranks. But the constables -- be they of whatever sex -- should not be allowed to escape the consequences of their actions. What they did matters more than who they are, and should be the sole focus of how we look at them.
amit varma, 12:14 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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