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Friday, October 14, 2005

The NDTV story on IIPM

The NDTV story I'd mentioned here finally aired today morning at about 11.30 am. It summed up the story pretty well, though the focus, I think, could have been more on the uncovering of IIPM's mistruths and their strong-arm tactics after that than on bloggers' right to voice their opinions. Rashmi and Gaurav weren't merely stating opinions, but were pointing to unpleasant facts. Blogs aren't just personal diaries, as that fallacious stereotype goes, but an extension of the media, and these blogs, and others since the scandal broke, have done exactly what mainstream media should have been doing in the first place: uncovering the truth.

In the case this is the first you're hearing of this, you can read about the case in my post, "A question of principles," which I'm still updating periodically as new developments take place. Also, Desi Pundit has been tracking the issue comprehensively.
amit varma, 1:11 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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