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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Watch Mumbai Live on NDTV

Tonight at 10.30 pm. Alaphia writes that NDTV is doing a story, and having a discussion, on this whole IIPM v Bloggers issue. A number of bloggers, including me, gave some soundbytes, and Rashmi will probably be appearing for the discussion.

In case you've just heard about the debate, you can read up about it on my earlier post, "A question of principles," which I've been updating regularly. Desi Pundit has been tracking the matter very well: just see how many bloggers have spoken out in support of Gaurav and Rashmi.

Update: Sorry, just heard that the telecast has been postponed. I'll keep you updated about when it's expected to air.
amit varma, 4:47 PM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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