India Uncut

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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Train your bellies well

Reuters reports:
The mayor of one Budapest district wants female City Hall staff to wear miniskirts only if they have "completely perfect legs" and the skirts are no shorter than 2-3 centimetres (about 1 inch) above the knee.


Mitynan also dislikes crop tops -- popular in Budapest -- saying "few women have well-trained bellies worth showing to people" and wants the city to legislate on stocking thickness, proposing 5-10 denier for summer, 15 for spring and autumn and 20 for winter.
Meanwhile, another Reuters report informs us that "authorities in China's Nanjing are banning taxi drivers who are bald, wear their hair too long, have moustaches or wear too much make-up." Everybody wants to be everybody else's mai-baap, and shape the world according to their world-views. It's one of the many unique problems with our species.

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