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Sunday, September 25, 2005

Go and pump some blood

Today is World Heart Day.

I can imagine this conversation:
Heart: All you kids, wish me, today is World Heart Day.
Kidney: We wish you would shut up, heart. Heart Day, Heart Day, Heart Day. Big deal. You're a loser.
Heart: Hey, give me respect dude, or I'll stop pumping blood to you.
Kidney: Well, then I'll stop doing what I do and you'll stop pumping at all.
[Unmentionable male organ]: Did anyone mention pumping?
Right Leg: Sit down, will ya, [unmentionable male organ]?
Left Leg: When are they going to have a World Left Leg Day?
Appendix: Nobody loves me. Bye.
Liver: Gosh, all of you think the world of yourselves, don't you?
Brain: No. [Pause.] I do.
Yeah, well, whatever. Don't forget to wish your heart today.
amit varma, 11:29 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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