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Friday, August 26, 2005

An extra special exhibit

In response to this post, Arzan Sam Wadia points me to this piece of news:
The August Bank holiday welcomes an extra special exhibit to London Zoo as a flock of Homo sapiens gather on the world famous Bear Mountain.

Presented to the public with only fig leaves to protect their modesty, the humans will become an important feature of zoo life as they are cared for by our experienced keepers and kept entertained through various forms of enrichment.

The four day event aims to demonstrate the basic nature of man as an animal and examine the impact that Homo sapiens have on the rest of the animal kingdom.
Nice. I like the pics with the article; the participants seem to be having a good time, presumably because they know that their captivity is contrived, and they'll soon be free again. But if that was to change...
amit varma, 1:52 AM| write to me | permalink | homepage

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